Thursday, May 8, 2008

Adult education

Throughout life, or adult, education has spread in many countries. [Change] However, education is still considered by many as something for children, and adult education is often branded as adult education and lifelong learning. Adult education takes many forms, from the classroom learning self-learning.

Library lending cheap informal provide access to books and other self-instructional materials. The rise in computer ownership and Internet access gave two adult children and greater access to both formal and informal education. In Scandinavia, a single [change] approach to learning called folkbildning has long been recognized as contributing to adult education through the use of learning circles. Mode of education. 1-l'éducation formal 2-l'éducation informal 3-Non-Formal Education.

Formal Education: - hierarchically structured, arranged in chronological order educational system from primary school through university and including, in addition to the university, a variety of specialized programs and institutions for a full-time technical training and professionally.

Informal education: - The real process by which each acquires attitudes, values, skills and knowledge of everyday experience and educational influences and resources in the environment of family and neighbours, work and play , The market place and the library media.

Non-formal education

any educational activity organized outside the formal system established, whether operating separately or as an important element of a broader activity that is intended to serve as a learning identifiable constituencies and learning objectives.