People who know me and who read what I wrote know that I tend to emphasize the positive. I think teaching people how to be better students is more effective than emphasize how they have failed.
However, there are similarities between students who fought academic which can be broken down into ten "failures". Avoid these and you must succeed. Or, at least, not fail.
1. You do not want to go to college
Why did you go to university? No, it need not be only for learning. It can be really improve your lot in life. But if your reason to go to college because your parents, your spouse or your work are you, this will make your academic journey that much more difficult.
How to motivate students resistant
2. Choose the wrong college
As with most things, some colleges will be a good way for you and some will not. If you like a varied cultural life, from college to Smalltown, USA is probably not a good choice. Likewise, if your preference is solitude and nature, the metropolitan region, USA is not a good choice. Living in the wrong place can cause depression. Depression can make you lose interest in school. This has an easy solution. Move to another college when you discover that you made a mistake.
Checklist for choosing a college
3. Choose the wrong major
I have known many students who chose the wrong major. This is not a big deal and can be easily corrected. The problem arises when students choose not solve the problem. Students become convinced that this is not worth the time it would take to change majors. It is certainly worth the time if the opposite is a failure. I had the wrong major for a long time and I struggled. I changed the major right and I prospered. You can too.
How to choose a major
4. Choose a major based on how much the job pays
I could make more money if I had chosen another major. I could make more money if I had chosen another important and I was able to sustain interest in the main enough to actually graduate. A better plan is to choose what you want.
How can a career counselor help?
5. Choose courses based on "best" or days time
Long ago when I was in college, I thought it would be a good idea to schedule my classes, 15 credits every Tuesday and Thursday. It is great for the first two weeks because I was free on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. However, after the first two weeks, teachers have begun to assign tasks. Guess what? All work for five classes is due on the same day. It was terrible. I've never tried to do so again.
Time Management - learn to say NO!
6. Do not go to class
Going to class should be your top priority. Even if you're not ready for the test. Even if you're not ready for the mission. Partial credit is your friend. If a teacher uses a point system to assign grades, it is preferable to obtain an F, which is 50 points that an F which is no question.
Make the most of the class
7. Do not do your homework
Yes, it seems simplistic, but you really need what is necessary to pass the class. This includes assignments required to make an acceptable level. Although some classes would require more than a midterm, a final, and a research paper, others require significant outside work. You May be a large or a college which is what you feel about doing homework.
Re-study participants
8. Do not study
Students who think that the main reason to go to university is the social life tend to end up in trouble. This is without regard to be an adult or return a student eighteen years of age traditional students. All things in moderation.
Make the best time of the study
9. Do not link
Prices do not occur in isolation. One of the easiest ways to improve your quality of a class is to make contacts, both in your writing and exams, between what you learn in this class and what you've learned in other classes .
Dissertation success
10. Decide you do not need aid
Everybody needs help with certain topics. All colleges have tutoring centres. They hire people to help you in your weakest areas. Take advantage of this effort on their part. Decide that you are going difficult in itself is a recipe for disaster.
Services on campus for adult students
However, there are similarities between students who fought academic which can be broken down into ten "failures". Avoid these and you must succeed. Or, at least, not fail.
1. You do not want to go to college
Why did you go to university? No, it need not be only for learning. It can be really improve your lot in life. But if your reason to go to college because your parents, your spouse or your work are you, this will make your academic journey that much more difficult.
How to motivate students resistant
2. Choose the wrong college
As with most things, some colleges will be a good way for you and some will not. If you like a varied cultural life, from college to Smalltown, USA is probably not a good choice. Likewise, if your preference is solitude and nature, the metropolitan region, USA is not a good choice. Living in the wrong place can cause depression. Depression can make you lose interest in school. This has an easy solution. Move to another college when you discover that you made a mistake.
Checklist for choosing a college
3. Choose the wrong major
I have known many students who chose the wrong major. This is not a big deal and can be easily corrected. The problem arises when students choose not solve the problem. Students become convinced that this is not worth the time it would take to change majors. It is certainly worth the time if the opposite is a failure. I had the wrong major for a long time and I struggled. I changed the major right and I prospered. You can too.
How to choose a major
4. Choose a major based on how much the job pays
I could make more money if I had chosen another major. I could make more money if I had chosen another important and I was able to sustain interest in the main enough to actually graduate. A better plan is to choose what you want.
How can a career counselor help?
5. Choose courses based on "best" or days time
Long ago when I was in college, I thought it would be a good idea to schedule my classes, 15 credits every Tuesday and Thursday. It is great for the first two weeks because I was free on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. However, after the first two weeks, teachers have begun to assign tasks. Guess what? All work for five classes is due on the same day. It was terrible. I've never tried to do so again.
Time Management - learn to say NO!
6. Do not go to class
Going to class should be your top priority. Even if you're not ready for the test. Even if you're not ready for the mission. Partial credit is your friend. If a teacher uses a point system to assign grades, it is preferable to obtain an F, which is 50 points that an F which is no question.
Make the most of the class
7. Do not do your homework
Yes, it seems simplistic, but you really need what is necessary to pass the class. This includes assignments required to make an acceptable level. Although some classes would require more than a midterm, a final, and a research paper, others require significant outside work. You May be a large or a college which is what you feel about doing homework.
Re-study participants
8. Do not study
Students who think that the main reason to go to university is the social life tend to end up in trouble. This is without regard to be an adult or return a student eighteen years of age traditional students. All things in moderation.
Make the best time of the study
9. Do not link
Prices do not occur in isolation. One of the easiest ways to improve your quality of a class is to make contacts, both in your writing and exams, between what you learn in this class and what you've learned in other classes .
Dissertation success
10. Decide you do not need aid
Everybody needs help with certain topics. All colleges have tutoring centres. They hire people to help you in your weakest areas. Take advantage of this effort on their part. Decide that you are going difficult in itself is a recipe for disaster.
Services on campus for adult students
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